Welcome to our Valentine's Day Porn-Free Pledge.
In recognizing the profound impact that pornography can have on relationships, we offer you the opportunity to make a significant and meaningful commitment this Valentine's Day. By pledging to be pornography-free, you embrace a promise of love, respect, and unwavering dedication to fostering deeper connections in your closest relationships.
Information Collection and Use
When you sign up to take the Porn-Free Pledge, we collect personal information such as your name and email address. This information is gathered solely for the purpose of recording your commitment and providing you with support, resources, and updates related to maintaining a porn-free life and enhancing relationship intimacy.
Data Protection
Protecting your personal information is a responsibility we take very seriously. We implement robust security measures to safeguard your data against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. However, please be aware that no security measures are infallible.
Non-Disclosure of Personal Information
We firmly commit to not sharing, selling, exchanging, transferring, or giving out your personal information to any third party without your explicit, 100% permission, except as necessary to fulfill any request you have made or unless legally required.
Third-Party Links
Occasionally, our website may include links to third-party resources or services that could support your journey toward being porn-free. These sites have their own privacy policies, and we do not bear any responsibility for their content or their privacy practices.
By signing the Porn-Free Pledge, you agree to our privacy practices as outlined in this disclaimer. You acknowledge our commitment to not disclose your information without your express consent.
Updates to Our Privacy Disclaimer
Any changes to this privacy disclaimer will be communicated through our website. Continuing your participation after such updates signifies your acceptance of our revised privacy terms.
Contact Us
Should you have any questions regarding this privacy disclaimer or wish to learn more about the Porn-Free Pledge, please reach out to us via the contact details provided on our website.